Have you completed your last check-in run today?

This is the last week of the Healthy September Challenge! Today is the final check-in run.  Be sure to track your speed and distance to celebrate how far you have come! 

Remember, we are getting active this month in order to honor National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month and serve as a positive example of healthy living for future generations.

Goals Check-in: 

  • BIG GOAL: Increase health and wellness and become an example of purposeful daily fitness for the next generation
  • Daily Goal: 30 minutes (or more) of purposeful fitness activity

METRICS: Record the following quick metrics in order to track your progress!

Activity: ________
Minutes Active: _______
Intensity Level of Activity: (using key below) ___

  • 0=no activity
  • 1=mild activity (stroll, slow walking, etc.)
  • 2=moderate activity (quick walking, hike, bike ride, jog, etc. that challenges you but does not greatly elevate HR)
  • 3=Vigorous Activity (running, challenging hike, speed work, heavy weight lifting, etc. that pushes your limits and elevates HR significantly)

(optional) After exercising, I felt __________.

EXAMPLE: Today I completed a check-in run for 30 minutes at an intensity level of 3.  After exercising, I felt excited because I went the farthest I have so far!

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